Onsite Treatment of RCRA Hazardous Soil
Traditional offsite trucking & disposal (T&D) options for RCRA Hazardous soil can be costly, ranging from $170 to more than $600 per ton, T&D.
Onsite treatment may be a cost saving alternative to offsite T&D if the volume of Hazardous contaminated soil is several hundred tons or more.
This holds true especially in certain cases:
1) When Listed Hazardous compounds, such as TCE or PCE associated with a known release are detected in soil in high concentrations via totals (dry volume) analysis; or,
2) When analytes such as Lead are detected in concentrations exceeding RCRA limits via TCLP analysis, while also carrying an Underlying Hazardous Constituent (UHC); or,
3) When TCLP Organics values exceed RCRA limits, while any of the totals results are also exceeding their respective UTS limits, causing the subject soil to carry a combination RCRA Code, such as F002/D008 (classified as both Listed Hazardous and Characteristically Hazardous, exceeding the Universal Treatment Standard for at least one listed spent chlorinated solvent, while also failing the TCLP for Lead, in this example).
Onsite methods include pozzolanic treatment using proprietary reagents for treatment of metals contaminated soils; or thermal oxidation of soils contaminated with organic compounds, such as solvents or PCB’s. In some cases bioremediation may also be an effective onsite treatment method.
Specific onsite treatment techniques are customized for each individual waste stream, based upon evaluation of existing soil analytical data and other factors. This is followed by a pilot study designed to optimize the treatment variables to most effectively reduce contaminant levels, and achieve the target goals.
Once the soils have been treated, sampling and analysis is conducted to confirm that the target levels have been met, effectively de-listing the subject soil, and reclassify it as a Non-Hazardous, Non-RCRA waste.
Treated, de-listed soils may qualify for onsite reuse when logistics allow, or be transported to a nearby Non-Hazardous soil recycling facility. This can potentially save hundreds of thousands of dollars or more in project costs, as compared with offsite T&D of Hazardous contaminated soils which otherwise may have been transported to a costly RCRA Hazardous permitted facility located far from the job site.
To discuss your project, or to receive a quote for onsite treatment services, please contact Rich Rivkin at rich@SoilDisposal.com or 800-UST-SOIL.